



Maintenance and replacement of seismic pressure gauge

时间:2021-06-24 浏览次数:1044

The shock-resistant pressure gauge is operated for three months to perform a primary maintenance:

1. Check the three-way cock and the water trap joint to eliminate leakage.

2. Check whether the pressure gauge can return to zero.

3. Check and flush the water trap to ensure that it is unblocked.

After one year of operation of the shock-resistant pressure gauge, perform a secondary maintenance:

1. Disassemble the pressure gauge, send it to the measurement department for verification and lead sealing.

2. Assemble and inspect the water trap, and the threaded fasteners should be intact.

3. Assemble and inspect the three-way cock, grind the sealing surface to ensure tightness and no leakage, and the connecting thread should be intact.

4. Water trap, three-way cock to remove rust and paint.

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